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What is your name?
Please provide the name of your business.
What industry/ industry vertical are you in (Cannabis, Hemp, Cultivation, Dispensary, Manufacturing, etc.)?
MJ - Cultivation
MJ - Dispensary
Hemp - Cultivation
Hemp/CBD - Retail
We typically work with businesses with revenues from $200K to $30M. What is your company's total revenue over the last 12 months? (If in business less than a full year, annualize/estimate a full year based on current numbers).
How many employees does the business have?
Who prepares your taxes, and when was the last time they were filed?
What challenges are you facing, and how do you think we could help?
What are your top 3 business goals?
Are you looking to grow? What is your target annual revenue, and how quickly would you like to get there?
Be 100% honest - What do you think has been stopping you from reaching your business and financial goals? Are you ready to change that?
What do you love most about your business?
On a scale of 1-10 how "coachable" and open to change are you?
What are your three least favorite parts of being a business owner? (Describe your "Pain Points")
How did you hear about us?
If a personal referral, who should we thank?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
How we work
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